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Messages - bekai

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Use maps downloaded with MAPS.ME
June 20, 2016, 06:29:25 PM

I definitely support this wish. MAPS.ME is a quite user friendly and practical app based on OSM data, not very feature-rich, but a nice replacement of google maps for offline map viewing and quite usable navigation. Downloading and managing offline maps is quite practical, I have meanwhile dozens of GBytes of map data for MAPS.ME. It would be really great if the powerful features of Oruxmaps could be applied on basis of these map files. The data format (data files with extension "mwm") seems to be proprietary, but I would not assume that they tried to encrypt or obfuscate the data.

I would not mind making a special donation for implementation of this feature; probably there would be further supporters of this idea.

Best regards
