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Messages - andrea2002

Sorry for the late reply, but I had a problem. I set the Vtm theme to Vtm standard and the dark areas became light.
It's not like the old style, but it's more readable now.
Greetings to all.
A few months ago I updated Oruxmaps 10.7.1 GP and the maps (OpenAndroMaps) have changed appearance.
See the 2 attachments from "Oruxmaps OLD.jpg" to "Oruxmaps NEW.jpg":

I would like to bring the maps back to the old Oruxmaps style.
I would be grateful if you could give me some suggest to solve the problem.
Thank out very much.
A nice day
GENERAL / Deleting waypoints of some categories
July 01, 2016, 12:24:07 PM
Nice day to all!

I imported the waypoints about the "mountain refugees" and the "names of mountains" in Oruxmaps 6.0.10 for Android.

They were in two files .gpx

The importation is gone well. I see all my way points.

The problem is Oruxmaps is become very slow, the maps is characterized by abrupt stops and starts.

The zoom is very slow also. I think the problem is I imported 3.600 waypoints.

If there isn't a solution to solve this problem, I'd like to delete the "name of mountains" waypoints. I ask for if I must do this manually.

Did Oruxmaps make a "name of mountains" category (2.900 waypoints)?

May I deleted this category to delete all its 2.900 wayponts?

Thank you very much.

