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Messages - NeoNoxx


I have a question. Is it planned to make the android wear apps a litle bit more configurable? The values displayed on Smartwatch are hardcoded, when I see that right and cannot be changed. I dont need the degree value on P1 and would replace it with distance or some other value. Is this possible or planned to make it possible?

BETAS / Re: New 6.5.Xbeta version
August 28, 2016, 10:22:57 AM
Hi, I'm new on this board ;-).

Since a long time, I'm using Oruxmaps to save my tracks. Since the beta has an amient mode for my Sony Smartwatch 3, I can let the smartphone in the pocket :-). Very good.

I have a question. Is it possible to change the values schown on the Smartwatch? Like the display settings on the smartphone. In the setting, I havent found anything.

@Orux: please stay your good work! Oruxmaps is very very good!
