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Messages - vlotarev

GENERAL / Do not show distance points on the route
August 08, 2019, 10:24:23 PM
Dear guru,

I'am using  GPX routes loaded from to plan my tracks (over openandromaps map with Elevate theme). Everything is just fine except the fact that I am unable to switch off showing of distance waypoints (each kilometer). Could you please tell me whether this is possible or not? Sometimes I just need to see route direction and don't want to overload map view with useless (for me) information ...

Thanks in advance,

MAPAS/MAPS / ozf2 maps
August 05, 2019, 11:22:15 AM
Dear team,

Could you please tell me whether the latest version of Orux (7.5.4 GP) supports ozf2 maps? I am to able to use it now with orux (they just not shown in the list of offline maps) though I remember that sometime ago they worked ... What could be a problem?

Thanks in advance,

MAPAS/MAPS / Offline OSM maps
June 17, 2019, 08:59:49 AM
Dear guru,

Many navigation software have an ability to pre-load some OSM maps and use them offline later. I am just wondering whether Orux has such a feature?

Thanks in advance,

GENERAL / Re: 1. Tracks / Routes in OruxMaps Version 6
August 22, 2018, 11:35:18 AM
Is it possible do not turn the screen off following the route?
ERRORES/BUGS / Map is not refreshed when moved
July 23, 2018, 11:39:31 AM
I am using Orux (latest donate version) with .ozf2 maps on Samsung Galaxy S7 device with Andorid 8. At some point I started experiencing problems moving map on the screen. Out of screen regions of the map are not refreshed correctly. Please see screenshot:"> Could you please advice what could be the problem (some settings?). Thank you in advance.
MAPAS/MAPS / Map is not refreshed when moved
July 18, 2018, 12:42:57 PM
I am using Orux (donate version) with .ozf2 maps on Samsung Galaxy S7 device with Andorid 8. At some point I started experiencing problems moving map on the screen. Out of screen regions of the map are not refreshed correctly. Please see screenshot:">// Could you please advice what could be the problem (some settings?). Thank you in advance.
GENERAL / Re: Points on a map without a route
September 01, 2016, 05:45:44 PM
Sure I tried that - actually this is the way I am usually creating way points. They are showing some time but than disappeared (usually next day but I am not able to determine exact rules) ...
GENERAL / Re: Points on a map without a route
August 31, 2016, 10:11:00 AM
Thank you for the response. The problem is that I do not have any routes ... Probably, my scenario of Orux usage is not very typical. I use it periodically to determine my current location and next direction (like compass but with ability to show me on the map where I am :-). Also from time to time I add way points of my interest. I do not add any routes, navigation, etc. as soon as all that make sense if application is always on what leads to heavy power consumption (mainly for GPS) - I am just trying to preserve power of my smartphone. What I need is just to be able to show on the map one or few way points that I added before next time when I start application in order to determine my current location.

If this is not possible in the current version may I request for the new feature?
GENERAL / Points on a map without a route
August 30, 2016, 12:22:09 PM
Dear guru,

Could you please let me know whether is it possible just to permanently show some selected points on a map without creating a route, navigation, etc?

