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Messages - curttard

If I record a track for a three-day hike, with each day of hiking being a segment, then when I do the hike again, I'd like to follow that Route, but I don't want the dashboard to show me ETA, ETE, distance remaining etc for the entire hike -- back to the road on day 3 -- but only for the segment I'm currently on, ending at the day's campsite. Can I do this? I see you can change the Statistics to show only for a particular segment, but the dashboard and trip computer always seem to show info only for the entire route.
GENERAL / Follow route by segment?
September 03, 2016, 05:34:14 AM
Hi, if I record a Track of a 3-day hike, with each day being a Segment, then when I follow it as a Route the next time, is there a way to Follow only a certain Segment? In other words, if I'm following a 3-day route made of 3 segments, I want my ETA, ETE, etc for my first day hike to be those for the first segment -- to where I camp the first night -- not to the end of the whole hike back at the parking lot two days later.