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Messages - Oli

Hello Orux,

I' sorry that I did not mention that I have the DEM files installed. Still, when creating a track manually, and then going into statistics, no altitude statistics are shown, and no graphic.

It seems that when I  look at the "propriétés" (I have the frech version) the track and do an altitude correction using DEM, I get no statistics. I need to reclose the "propriétés" of the track again and reopen them, and then I get atitude gain and loss, but no min altitude and max altitude ?

Any idea what's going on here ?

I often create tracks directly on the phone in oruxmaps (in the moment V 7.0.2). When I then look at the stats, I get the distance, but not the altitudes.

But the I thought (naively), that if I would save the track,  look at the properties via manage tracks, and then would do "correct altitude", that the I would get them.

but alas no.

Can somebody tell me how I can create new tracks and also get the altitude information ?

I'm using OpenStreet Cycle maps as map base.

Thanks for any ideas

And thanks for this great program


MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / Csv expprt of statistics
September 07, 2016, 09:47:20 PM
Hello, I have been using Oruxmaps for a while now and it is really a great app. I'm still discovering options.

I have been using it lately to record by cycle training to get the stats of my performance. As I'm accumulating quite some tracks/stats I thought than an export option of the stats in the csv format would be great. When tracks are together in a common folder, then the first export could  reate the csv file with the name of the folder. Then subsequent exports could be added to the csv file. Perhaps including an identifyer for the track to check if the track had already been added. The html export format of the stats that is used in the moment is jice to look at but quite complicated to extract the stats information automatically.

Thanks for considering this

