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Messages - Rainer.Wetekam

Quote from: "Rainer.Wetekam"
Quote from: ""On the left side you see the menu entry, on the right side the button to do the same.

Thank you, I will try it. Which "menu" I have to open, to get this view?



Thank you, it works fine!
Quote from: ""On the left side you see the menu entry, on the right side the button to do the same.

Thank you, I will try it. Which "menu" I have to open, to get this view?



i'm using V 6.5.10 and a Wahoo ant+ speed/cadence sensor. Oruxmaps successful connect to it, but there are no values shown in the dashboard. Is there something that I have to do?

In other apps it works (e.g. Bikecomputer)

Thank you in advance.

