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Messages - happyman

sorry. it's my bad.

oruxmaps export gpx correctly with <trk><trkseg></trkseg><trkseg></trkseg></trk>

I expect a gpx with multiple trks.

however, what I need can be done by gpsbabel "seg2trk" track filter.
Just upgraded to 7.4.17, I found "export to GPX file" will contain no track segments, while I can view segments in app.

is there any way to keep track segments in gpx export like the former version?

GENERAL / Re: cacheing online maps
April 30, 2018, 04:28:40 AM
I also use this cache feature before going offline.

is it possible to "seed cache" (some area with some zoom levels) automatically instead of doing it manually?
Thanks for the great APP for outdoor navigation. it's widely used in Taiwan's mountain  hiking / backpacking communities.

However, the original online map source is not enough for us, especially we need detailed contour map for hiking,

so we need to replace the xml to our version whenever oruxmap APP is introduced to a new user.

please consider add the map id 196 to 219 to the default one, kindly get them from">

Thanks you.

PS. those from are historical maps for researchers and field surveyand

and the TWMAP 25000:1 GPX (TW) is the most useful one, because it is contour map with user contributed GPS tracks on it.

        <onlinemapsource uid="196">

                <name>TWMAP 25000:1 (TW)</name>






                <httpparam name=""></httpparam>











<onlinemapsource uid="198">

        <name>TWMAP 25000:1 GPX (TW)</name>





        <httpparam name=""></httpparam>











        <onlinemapsource uid="201">

                <name>1904-日治臺灣堡圖(明治版)-1:20,000 (TW)</name>


                <website><![CDATA[<a href="">Academia Sinica WMTS</a>]]></website>





                <httpparam name=""></httpparam>












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