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Messages - nahannidog

Quote from: eartrumpet on March 05, 2023, 10:56:18 AM
, you should use Settings > Maps > Mapsforge settings > Mapsforge text size with a factor <1. But I'm not sure that's what you...
Excuse me for a tangential quesion but I have new phone(Samsung), new android OS version(10), new version of Oruxmaps GP(10.1.1 GP), new version of Colorado Topo map (2023-05-06), and consequently have navigational problems in the app!  I can find where store the Mapsforge or renderthermes (SD card) but cannot find where to SELECT the different render themes.  I used to use Map icon/Map tweaks/Maps forge theme/<Default, Elements or Elevate> but in v10.1.1 Map icon only gives map selection.

I actually did stumble across a way to choose the theme, but can't believe it's the only way to select theme....I used the older version of the app to determine what the icon is for "Mapsforge theme" and added that icon to the map screen.  Is the a more straightforward way to select Mapsforge theme???
Thank you Orux, nurembergueso and eartrumpet for your thoughtful responses.

I was confused why I couldn't follow your suggested command sequences.  It just occurred to me to upgrade from version 6.0.10 to all my offline map viewing problems are resolved!  Maps load quickly and have contourlines.

I was incorrect in assuming the contourlines required the elevate rendertheme, both elements and elevate show the contourlines.  Much to learn.


for the Offline maps, I got Utah & Colorado from openandromaps here:">//

That website says to use these maps,  I need to install a "rendertheme", which I did, choosing "elevate 4" and the "quick install on Oruxmaps."

I'm thinking the rendertheme is related to the offline problem.  I've noticed if the "ele_res" is pressed, the maps do render (slow at first, but now quickly).  If I choose the other two "Elements.xml" or "Elevate.xml" then the offline maps "never" load.

Related to the render themes, is there a way to determine which rendertheme is active?  Must I remember which one I chose last?

By the Way, I'm hoping these offline maps at openandromaps include contourlines.  I don't know if that's true until I try.  These maps do NOT show contourlines with the "ele-res" rendertheme active, I'm guessing I need "elevate" to be functioning to get contourlines.

Sorry for all the beginner confusion!


MAPAS/MAPS / Extremely long wait time to load offline maps
September 19, 2016, 06:03:22 AM

New to Orux, apologies if this is obvious to the experts, but....

I've loaded a couple .map files from OpenAndroMaps (state of Colorado for example).  After waiting several hours! I still see no map, just the circular arrow icon.  I've tried different zoom levels, use GPS centering to assure the map is in my location in Colorado.  In comparison, some online maps load quickly, until a high zoom is requested, then nothing in hours.  Example, USGS Imagery Only (US) good up to & including zoom level 15.

I'm assuming there is some common problem/issue/mis-understanding to both the offline never appears vs. online never appears at a high zoom level.  Suggestions? Device is Samsung Note3
