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Messages - godzilla_tan

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Openandromaps - 24k or 100k ?
December 06, 2018, 02:30:25 PM
Hi Matt,

The Garmin maps come in different levels of detail (24k being 1:24,000 scale & 100k being 1:100,000 scale) and I was wondering if anyone knew what the scale of the openandromaps is. I will go to the openandromaps forum like you suggest.

Thanks for giving this some thought.

MAPAS/MAPS / Openandromaps - 24k or 100k ?
December 05, 2018, 07:07:02 PM

Just curious if the openandromaps are considered 24k or 100k equivalent.


More information. After making a couple track logs this weekend and viewing them in wordpad, I can see that not enough track points are being generated, hence the straight lines connecting them. I was assuming that more track points were being generated. What settings should be changed to allow for more track points to be generated? I am using the Open Andro Maps and set the Elements theme.

Any help would be appreciated.


I am new to Oruxmaps. I tried creating a track while driving and instead of the track points following the roads and turns I made, they just form a straight line. Maybe some settings need to be adjusted for driving?

Appreciate any guidance.

