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Messages - fransje

GENERAL / Savings mistakes
December 10, 2016, 07:58:22 PM
Today I have saved a track but the difficulty and the type of activity are not solved. But they are well written in the description of the track. I have reseted the mobile, but the situation is still the same.

I see now that the town hasn't been solved in the other tracks posted before, but only in the last one...this could explain why it is not possible to download the previous tracks by entering the city name.

This looks like if any change made after a first saving is not taken in consideration and only appears the first version...How can I modify something in one of my track saved in your server?
GENERAL / Editing foto Wpt or Way points. Problem
December 10, 2016, 07:44:15 PM
If I have taken a few pictures and marked some way points during a track but didn't edit it until I am at home, it doesn't seem to be possible to edit while the picture is open. Therefore it is very unconvinient to open the menu and first see where the point/picture is on the track, then reopen the point and edit it. Doing this way, they are several errors and I think it would be much more easy if we could edit under the picture to avoid mistake and opening/closing several times the menu.
GENERAL / Editing a description of a track. Problem
December 10, 2016, 07:38:57 PM
When fillingin the description of a track from the app, the keyboard covers the text, so it not possible to see if there is any mistake and correct it.

Woudn't it be better to be able to edit from internet Orux web page, instead of from the mobile?
GENERAL / Re: Tracks doesn't appear
December 10, 2016, 07:33:56 PM
In this case: why is there a box to fill-in the city when completing the track details?

I still don't understand how can anyone find the track? If the tracks are only for the person that has created it, then I thing this apps misses a lot of the potential.

10 minutes after writting this, I have tried again to download a track writting the city name, and the track saved today appeared...I am lost.
GENERAL / Tracks doesn't appear
December 02, 2016, 10:52:08 PM

I have saved some tracks in the Oruxserver but they don't appear if someone types the name of the town (that is saved in the box "town"). The only way to see the tracks is if you know my Email and therefore nobody can see them... :roll:
