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Messages - saintrain

Great app!

It would be nice if, when recording a track, the coordinates for a new waypoint would be added to the track log as another trackpoint. A timestamp in a waypoint would be a nice feature, too.

On a recent hike I recorded my track and added waypoints on the outbound and return legs, over the same trail.

Later, I was messing with the KML data using an Octave script. On some of the plots (elevation vs time, say) I wanted to display the waypoints, also. But a simple waypoint-to-trackpoint proximity search failed to find the correct part of the outbound/return leg.

The track coordinates are recorded at (ir)regular intervals, and some of the outbound waypoints were closer to a return trackpoint, and vice versa, so a not-so-simple search was required.

And, the waypoint <Placemark>s don't include a <When> field, so I couldn't index that way either.

So, adding an extra trackpoint when a waypoint is recorded and/or adding a <When> field to waypoints would be, I think, easy and, in my case anyway, very handy.

Thanks again for a great app!
