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Messages - Spartaner

Quote from: "orux"I can see the symbols.

try with last beta-->">

On the new beta I can see them too.

Thank you!

ERRORES/BUGS / Symbols in KMZ-Files are not shown
March 22, 2014, 05:58:18 PM

I made a KMZ-File with different classes of POIs along a river. Each class got an individual symbol, which I want to have shown on the map. This">KMZ-file works correctly in Google-Earth,">Google-Maps, and Locus.

I imported the POI-File (kmz) in Oruxmaps as an overlay. Unfortunately, the symbols are not shown at all, but instead a standard-symbol chosen by orux.

What I have to do to display the symbols included in the kmz-file?

regards, Michael
MAPAS/MAPS / Mapinfo "TAB" file
January 06, 2014, 07:48:24 PM

since 2013 there are very good">Finnish Maps available for free, TIFFs with .tfw and .tab-Files, for the whole country.

OruxMapsDesktop.jar returns an error-code when fed with the .tfw- and .tif-File ("Image not found"), when trying to convert to Oruxmaps.

The .tfw-File contains not much data, perhaps to low to processs the tiff-file.

In contrast, the .tab-Files contain all necessary information to build Oruxmaps (I believe).

Could you implement the usage of in OruxMapsDesktop?

I have found an older request, but no answer.

Sincerely yours, Michael


UV434_RVK_25.tfw contains:









und ein enthält folgende Info:



!version 300

!charset WindowsLatin1

!Copyright National Land Survey of Finland

! Helsinki, 20130115 , for MapInfo 7.5

Definition Table

File "UV434_RVK_25.tif"

Type "Raster"

(452000.000,7578000.000) (0,0) Label "Pt 1",

(499997.500,7578000.000) (19199,0) Label "Pt 2",

(499997.500,7554002.500) (19199,9599) Label "Pt 3",

(452000.000,7554002.500) (0,9599) Label "Pt 4"

CoordSys Earth Projection 8,115,"m",27,0,0.9996,500000,0

Units "m"


Quote Mapinfo "TAB" file

Post  Randolph on Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:17 pm

Hi, Orux,

I use OruxMaps Desktop conversion offline maps, but OruxMaps Desktop does not support Mapinfo "TAB" calibration file, can you support "TAB" file in next version? Example of "TAB" file:

File name:

File contents:


!version 300

!charset WindowsLatin1

Definition Table

File "GuangzhouNorth12.jpg"


(113.197915, 23.405169) (0, 0) Label "NW",

(113.197915, 23.082457) (0, 1023) Label "SW",

(113.549018, 23.405169) (1113, 0) Label "NE",

(113.549018, 23.082457) (1113, 1023) Label "SE"

CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 104

Units "度"


BETAS / Re: New BETA 5.5.14!
November 21, 2013, 08:50:57 PM
Quote from: "orux"-Added folders to organize Tracks and Wpts. You can create new folders when creating a new Waypoint, or from Tracks/Wpts. list view (android menu button, manage folders).


I am new to Oruxmaps and to this forum, but already have a question.

As I understand, until now I must mark each waypoint in the List of Waypoints to be shown on the map everytime I open Oruxmaps.

This is annoying if you have imported a longer series of waypoints, like this">here.

Now in BETA 5.5.14 we can organize Wpts in folders. Is it possible to select an entire folder of Wpts, instead of selecting each single Wpt?
