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Messages - jzh


i use Oruxmaps at nightrides on the bikes handlebars.

The problem during the "standard daylight time" period is that the brightness of "DIM WAKE LOCK" is to bright and dazzel pretty much.

Is it possible to add a third option in "Display brightness" menu: Switch backlight complete off?

During the last trip in the alps I missed to switch/toggle the different brightness modes via "Buttons bar" buttons.

Global settings -> User interface -> Buttons -> Buttons bar

For example:

- On the long uphills I want to switch of the backlight complete because of energy saving

- On the downhill I want to switch to full brightness

- On flat stages is "DIM WAKE LOCK" enough

Its very comlicated to switch between the different bright modes by the menu. It would be easier to do this via a button on the main screen.

Thandy and regards,

ERRORES/BUGS / Sort dahboard controls
November 23, 2016, 10:12:54 AM

i want to sort the Dashboard User interface in the following menu:

Global settings -> User interface -> Dashboard -> Sort dashboard controls

It is possible to sort the entries but the changes are not saved after klick on the "Checked" button.

After reentry the "Sort dashboard controls" menu is the previous configuration available.

Can you check if there is a software bug in this area, please?

Used version: 6.5.10

