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Messages - theudebert

Quote from: Tronpo on June 01, 2024, 10:34:37 PMHello, make sure that orux has the permission to access all files.
See the app's storage settings

Thanks for your answer.
I THINK, that orux has this permission. But actually I can't find a point in the settings, where I can check it.
Can anyone give me a hint?
Hi everyone,
until recently I had all data for Orux (mapfiles, mapstyles, dem files, ...) in a folder called "oruxmaps" on my SD card.
But now, oruxmaps doesn't see the card anymore. For example when I choose in the settings the point "Migration to external SD card" it says "No SD-card found!".
Android and other apps (files explorer, car navigation, ...) can see and write on the card correctly.

I have already reformated the card and reinstalled Oruxmaps, but to no avail.  :(
Does anyone have an idea, what could be the problem and how to solve it?

Much thanks in andvance

P.S.: Phone is an OPPO A94 5G (CPH2211) with Android 13 (security patches from 2024-01-05)