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Messages - windanimal

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: All recorded tracks disappeared
January 27, 2024, 07:15:39 AM
These suggestions did not work for me. I did an uninstall and reinstall of OruxMaps GP following this procedure:
1) I backed up everything contained in the files subfolder of the com.orux.oruxmapsDonate Android data folder.
2) Uninstalled and reinstalled OruxMaps GP but did not launch it.
3) Copied everything from backup to their appropriate locations in the files subfolder of the com.orux.oruxmapsDonate Android data folder.
4) Launched the app.
5) Allowed the all files access permission and proceeded with the migration.
Now everything is back to normal and all my settings were preserved.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: All recorded tracks disappeared
January 25, 2024, 03:41:43 AM
Same problem but I've got everything in internal storage. I haven't done anything but yesterday the tracks were there and today they're not. I still see my 520 MB oruxmapstracks.db file in the track logs folder.

Also the app is no longer reading my onlinemapsources.xml

Is it an Android file permission issue?

A feature like this would be very useful for me. I think for others too?
When I do calibrate barometer does "correct current segment elevation" correct to the last calibration point or does it correct the entire segment even when the segment contains earlier calibration points?

I would prefer that corrections only correct to the last calibration point as shown in OP's first picture.

Hola Orux,

Would it be possible to display speed, time, distance, elevation on the Android lockscreen when recording a track?

Muchas Gracias
Thank you eartrumpet, your solution works perfectly.
Hi Orux,

If I had a blank (all white) Mapsforge map and turned on DEM hill shading I could use it as a hill shading layer on other maps.

Is there a way to make a blank Mapsforge map?

GENERAL / Show/hide tracks?
January 14, 2017, 08:03:20 PM

I have a question about tracks and a couple of other UI items:

1. I record many tracks and they start cluttering up the map view. Is it possible to hide tracks without deleting them?

2. Often when I'm comparing maps i've forgotten which one I switched to. Is there a way to show the name of the current map?

3. When I use the measure tool sometimes it times out before I'm ready. Is there a setting for the measure tool timeout or a way to keep it alive until I close it?

Hi Orux,

New beta rc4 funciona muy bien. Hill shading works correctly now and the resolution is very high - Looks much better than SRTM.

Muchas Gracias!

I uploaded the DEM file to:">//

It is a zip (280 MB) containing a .hdr and a .dem file. Unzip and copy to the oruxmaps/dem folder.

It is 1 degree x 1 degree in southern California (Santa Barbara) and has both mountains and sea. Latitude 34-35 North, Longitude 119-120 West.

I created it using the steps in my previous post.


Please let me know how to send you the file. It's very large, 280 MB compressed.

Here are the steps I took to create the file:

1. Download the DEM data file from:">//

2. Zoom to a small area on map

3. Make these selections on the left of the page:

· Data > Elevation Products > 1/3 arc-second DEM

· Select GridFloat as the file format

4. Hit the button "Find Products"

5. Click on a result and download and unzip

Now we have to convert the .flt file to a .bil file

Use the gdal_translate command which is one of the GDAL utilities (GDAL is Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)

6. Here is the command I used to convert the file floatn35w120_13.flt

gdal_translate -of EHdr floatn35w120_13.flt floatn35w120_13.bil

7. Change the file extension from .bil to .dem and copy it and the .hdr file to oruxmaps/dem

Muchas Gracias!

El sombreado aparece en la beta pero es equivocado en las montañas y aparece tambien en las planicies y el mar.

My english is better: Hill shading now is generated in the latest beta with HDR DEM's but it's wrong. It shows up on flatland and in the sea. It's also segmented into tiles that don't match at the tile edges. The DEM files are working since I can show DEM altitude in the dashboard and it's very accurate.

One issue I noticed in the beta is that the drag and drop to sort the dashboard items isn't working.

I do like how the menus have been cascaded so they aren't as long.

Está bien, OruxMaps es una buenísima app!

Muchas gracias
MAPAS/MAPS / USA Nautical Charts - NOAA Quilted
January 05, 2017, 06:28:44 AM
Here is an onlinemapsources.xml entry for USA NOAA Nautical charts (Quilted). Some areas have tiles only at specific zoom levels so it's helpful to layer it (no transparency) over a base map.

<onlinemapsource uid="61">
<name>NOAA Charts Quilted</name>
GENERAL / Hill shading doesn't work with hi-res DEM's?
December 30, 2016, 05:39:37 AM
I'm a new Oruxmaps user and I'm curious why hill shading and relief maps only work with the lower resolution SRTM DEM's. High resolution 1/3 arc-second DEM's from that I converted to .DEM + .HDR file format work for most functions but not hill shading or relief maps. I'm using version 6.5.10.

Sombreado no funciona con hi-res DEM?