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Messages - oruggs

GENERAL / Re: struggling with Garmin maps :o(
January 06, 2017, 09:27:47 PM
Thanks - clear now
GENERAL / struggling with Garmin maps :o(
January 04, 2017, 03:58:57 PM

usually I carry my Garmin Oregon 550 for which I bought the €€€ TOPO maps from Garmin. (Topo Canada/ Topo Canada West / Topo Alaska Enhanced).

Now I want use the same maps on my Samsung S4 Android, so I copied one of the maps (the .IMG file 1.2GB) ) into the folder "mapfiles".

I can see the file in the app and can pick it to open, however the map doesn't show up.

GPS is switched off and map is centered on coordinates of a town in Alaska.

Do I have to somehow convert the map?

Txs for any help
