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Messages - tico

Hi There,

My feature request is still open. I found an alternative, which is openCPN, but the Oruxmaps' GUI is much more comfortable/intuitive.

Additionally to the previous request, I would really appreciate to be able to sent selected NMEA sentences to a kplex server.

Any intention to go in this direction ?

Thanks and best regards,

Hello there !

First congratulation for the job done ! I am a regular user of Oruxmaps. First for hiking and then for sailing where it provides all the needed tools.

My boat is equiped with NKE products for wind and speed sensors and auto-pilot. I have the TL25 Multifunction display at the bottom of my mast and it accepts NMEA input. Please see manuals on">TL25 web page. Please pay attention on paragraph 1.13 and the table which follow. I am able to connect a bluetooth receiver to the TL25 and transmit the NMEA frames.

Here is my feature request:

It would be a great option to be able to select NMEA frames to be transmitted from Oruxmaps through the bluetooth device. This way I'll be able to have additionnal information displayed in my TL25. I am particularly interested in BWC, to have the distance and angle to waypoint and WCV, to have speed to waypoint (VMG in Oruxmaps).

Thanks to pay attention to  my feature request,

