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Messages - 78Br1

GENERAL / Re: Problema ruta
January 18, 2019, 10:40:07 AM
Hello, problems with route also for me. When i create a route, the inclination gain is always zero. But, if a create a waypoint, the altitude is correctly displayed. Thanks
January 30, 2017, 02:36:29 PM
Hello Orux,

this is my first post.

I've been using OM for years for trekking on Italian southern mountains.

Congratulations for the app, clear and functional.

Reading this forum, I've noticed a difference with others users. I'll try to explain.

On my Sony SmartWatch 3, connected with a Sony Xperia Z2 (OM v6.5.10), in the map face I can see ONLY the route to be followed, without any indication about my position. My position is always centered on the watch screen (if I try to pan the map, it immediately move in order to center my position, but without any cursor).

Is it an error in my settings?

The second issue (minor): is it solved the problem with the impossibility to have the ambient monitor on P0-P1-P2 faces. How do you manage in order to save the battery?

Thanks a lot
