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Messages - kaasi

Great, hopefully the support will be implemeted some day.

I would think that it could be quite easy to add since such device just send its location to configured server. Now when you have support to see friends location the location from these devices could by fetched from server using same mechanism..
Ok, thanks for your quick reply.

BTW, have you ever planned to add support for external gps locators like tk102 etc.? So that you could see location of that kind of device on Oruxmaps. I was planning to share location of such device via my home server and that's why I asked if it's possible to push location..
GENERAL / Is there API to create track from other app ?
February 02, 2017, 05:26:23 AM
First of all I love your app and would like to extend my usage by creating my own application which would push track points

to OruxMaps and OruxMaps would show the track.

So basically I would like to do following:

1. Read GPS location from external source on my own application

2. Push track point to OruxMaps from my own application

These two steps would be done in loop and OruxMaps would then draw track between pushed track points.

I'm just wondering that is this possible with current OruxMaps API ?