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Messages - DeepSheep

I would suggest something like this:

1. creating a new route by adding route points will make direct lines between them.

2. clicking line between points will open "routing" dialog, from there you can select available routing tools (grabhopper, brouter, etc) and profile you like to use.

3. route point can be removed any time by clicking it and selecting remove

4. even already routed line can be clicked and rerouted by different option at any time

5. already saved route could be opened as route editing mode again

Here's simple example where you can see what I mean:">

I would really like to see similar functionality in Oruxmaps also, it would make planning a routes lot of easier than currently.
GENERAL / Re: OruxMaps and BRouter
February 03, 2017, 11:54:59 AM

Just wondering if there is anything going on relating to brouter integration?

Mostly oruxmaps+brouter combination is working really great, but there are still few small but annoying things when using it everyday.

1. Default routing tool (and profiles)

For me current version (V6.5.10 Donate) is showing graphopper as default routing tool and I can't find any way to change this to brouter.

As a very easy fix for this, could oruxmaps just remember last used routing tool and routing profile?

2. Allowing use to all available profiles from brouter.

This is related to other thread also:">

Currently I have to use these 6 default profiles. This means that I have to remember that foot -> shortest is actually made for mountain walking, when food-fast is for skiing... It's not a problem if I'm doing it everyday, but after little break I really can't remember what was what...

Best solution is of course dynamically get all active profiles what are configured to brouter.

I can see few choices:

a) If there is API which can be used to ask available profiles from brouter, this would be fine.

b) Use the brouter's serviceconfig.dat file (inside /brouter/modes/). There are listed all available profiles like:

foot_fast deepsnow-skiing
foot_short mountain-walking

Second name is actual profile "file" used inside brouter, so I can rename it as I like. Grabbing this and showing it as routing profile inside oruxmaps could be one solution.

c) If choice a or b are not possible to implement, just allowing to rename profiles inside oruxmaps will make using them lot of easier.