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Messages - deech123

Hi guys,

since 3 years I use Oruxmaps as guide in my mountain adventures.

now I have a new phone (oneplus 5 with android 7.1.1) and do have some bad problems.

first of all, I installed the .apk.

what is strange is after installation on the phone (not on SD card) when I look in my phone, no map oruxmaps is visible in the root, as on my old phone.

so the only map I can find is : Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps

after 2 reboots, the map oruxmax was visible on this path : /storage/emulated/0/android/oruxmaps

when I start oruxmaps app on android, then in settings, i set that maps can be found in the filder MAPFILES, and the routes and tracks can be found on :


so that should be enough to do.

if I go in the menu to : manage routes and tracks, then no track is visible.

and in my map : myroutes, there are over 30 .GPX files.

so is there any thing I do wrong?

also second problem.

I downloaded the map : grenoble from OpenAndroMaps

then you can see my maps : alps, belgium, grenoble (OTRK) and relief card (RELIEF).

when I click on that grenoble map, the maps I loaded, and I can see the shades as should.

but the moment I start to zoom in, there is a popup and asks me to choose : ALPS or reliefcard

any idea?

also how can I load my tracks (.GPX) files thru the menu so it's loaded and ready to follow it and track it?

I hope somebody can help me, in 4 days I'm leaving to the Alps, and without my Oruxmaps, I'm having a problem :-)

thanks to any clue, tip or help !
hi thx for that, just looked at them

the ITN Converter seems nice, but problem is that - for what I see - we need internet connection.

Since sometimes i'm in the real mountains with no data or internet, only my laptop and my cell phone with oruxmaps, I wonder if this can be use in offline mode also?

So normally I plan my hiking routes on the computer and then transfer them to oruxmaps.
thx for your reply.

if you do not suggest BaseCamp, any other free program I can use with toppo maps, so I can make my hikes and then transfer them to OruxMaps?

HI guys,

who can help me out.

I use BaseCamp to make a track (you can see 2 foot as icon).

then I select the track and in export it as .GPX

then I transfer it to my phone, and in Oruxmaps I go to :

load KML- or GPX- file

then I click on : Follow, alarm checked and then I click also on START TRACKING.

then I also start on : START STORAGE.

i did the test today, a track had 13.2 KM total lenght.

the moment we started our walking, on my dashboard, I can see that the distance to the endpoint was only 4.7 KM

while we are walking and reach the 4.7 KM, suddenly this number wend up to 6.2KM, then after 1 hour it goes to 7.2KM and then 1 km before then end (so we allready did 12KM) it showed us over 5.6 km to go.

so also ETE and ETA was complete wrong.

is there anybody who can explain me what I did wrong? and why oruxmaps was having problems to show me the real ETA and ETA and KM to end point?

I think anybody who can give me the clue, since I tested 3 times, not working as should.

I can share the .GPX so that somebody can maybe check it and see what is going on?


Hi guys,

who can help me with this problem.

I use Basecamp to make tracks for hiking purpose.

I would like to add WPT in those tracks placed at every corner or every possible section where the path is splitting up.

Is there any possibility to add WPT's in basecamp on the track, that when I load the .GPX file in oruxmaps on my phone, that the moment I choose for : following track and start recording, that at certain point Oruxmaps will tell me to go left or right or straight on in voice sounds?

is that possible?

I tried all kind of stuff, but nothing seems to work.

thx for any help.
HI guys,

first of all, I want to thank the creator(s) for Oruxmaps, by far the best I ever tested !

now I have  problem I allready tried to solve for weeks, but no luck whatever.

I use Garmin basecamp on my pc to make a new track.

in that track on the points were the streets splits up - like left and right, I set a waypoint.

in the remarks of the waypoint I set for example : go left, or go right.

then after I did this for all possible : left's, right's, straight on's, I select in basecamp the track and all the waypoints, and export it as a GPX file.

then I transfer it onto my OnePlus one phone and I choose  in Oruxmaps : load GPX.

then I tried these combinations, but no luck at all :

1. follow, with checked options : alarm when I get offroute and also the check box when I get closer to a WPT

then I tried this one :

2. WPT- nav, with message when I get close to WPT.

extra information: when I just start tracking with the option 1 (=follow with wpt, etc..) then I can hear the system saying the stats of the route every x time.

so sounds are enabled.

but what I want to create is, that let's say I'm in a straight street, and in for example 100 meter this street is splitting up in left and right.

that in my basecamp on these splitting points, I can set something like : go left, next point, go right etc...

and then when I start to hike or bike or whatever, that the moment I get close to a point where the street or path is splitting, I can hear go left or go right... a bit like normal car navigation.

i see and hear people that tells me, it works with oruxmaps, but whatever I try, I can not get it to work, any idea guys how I can manage to do this?

thx for any help.