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Messages - libove

Thanks Haldo - I've never configured Strava access, and I'm not logged in to it. It's not about privacy, only about reducing menu clutter- getting rid of buttons that I'll never use.
I'm not as young and my brain is not as flexible as it was when I was writing UNIX device drivers, decades ago... 😅
Hm. But. Still. I'd like to be able to turn off even in the menus everything relating to Strava, etc. They do still clutter up the menus. It's not just the on-screen buttons that I'd like to simplify, but everything in the app that I won't use. (I do see a "Lite" mode, but I imagine this isn't quite what it would do).
Thanks for the information about how to customize the UI.
Correct, I never set up user IDs, etc. It's not about disabling unconfigured sharing of information.
It's not just a button "upload to cloud" in the property window of a track.
In the new Unified Interface, in Tracks/Routes, there are a couple of icons in the top horizontal menu bar, and I expect in some other places too.
It is of course unavoidable that as the power of a piece of software/ service increases, the numbers of buttons, levers, and switches increases (look in any current model year mid-market or above car, for example). But for usability it would be good to be able to remove from the user interface entirely those sets of features that the user never wants to use, particularly on small (that is, smartphone size) touchscreens.
It's great, for those who want to be tracked by Strava, etc, that Oruxmaps now has integration with those things. I really appreciate the author's efforts - Oruxmaps remains a great app. (And, I have donated!)
I don't want to do any of those things. (If I do, I'll export the activity and manually import it).
Oruxmaps' user interface has become cluttered and confusing.
How do I completely disable Strava (and all other whatever-track, automatic-upload, etc) functionality in Oruxmaps, to remove all of those things from the user interface, so that Oruxmaps goes back to what it used to be so good at - showing me a route that I want to follow, and creating a GPX track of what I've done?
In the normal offline map download function, there is a checkbox to NOT stop if some tiles cannot be downloaded.

In the Resume Download function, however, it will always stop if 4 tiles cannot be downloaded.

Please give us a configuration to ignore that and download however many tiles can be. Sure, some (more) may be missed. We'll just Resume that same Download again, until enough tiles have been retrieved.

Maybe even a setting "keep retrying until complete"?


I don't know how to embed an image, so here's a Google Drive link to a screenshot:
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: v7.4.0 Donate - slow to open
December 08, 2018, 10:11:15 PM
Well, shee-it. I removed all spaces, underscores, hyphens, and one single apostrophe, and now OruxMaps opens quickly.

Orux, I have to think this is a bug. Software shouldn't be so sensitive to the text of file/folder names :(
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: v7.4.0 Donate - slow to open
December 08, 2018, 06:02:09 AM
I have what appears to be a similar problem. Since the recent update to v7.4.X (I don't know exactly which version update caused this; I haven't used OruxMaps in a month or two or maybe three), though I've made no changes to my MapFiles, now OruxMaps takes 90+ seconds to open. During this time, for the first minute or so, I see a series of messages about the MapFile:

"Initializing the map files ...

{map name}" ( <- it goes through my map files, taking a varying amount of time for each map file)

.. then for another 30-60 seconds the text disappears while the spinning "working" indicator continues spinning, and finally it opens.

It formerly opened within just a few seconds.

This is on a OnePlus 5T (OctaCore: 4x 2.5GHz + 4x 1.9GHz CPUs, 6GB RAM, 64GB on-board flash storage), running OnePlus' OxygenOS v5.1.7/ Android Oreo v8.1.0

If I enable the Skip Map Check option then it opens in under five seconds - but I didn't have to have that set before in order for OruxMaps to open quickly.

Relating to Explorer's final post, the only symbols in the names of my map files are:

underscore _

hyphen -

apostrophe '


While watching the "Initializing ..." messages go by, I do not notice any correlation between the map file names (simple single word, multiple words with spaces or hyphens or underscores) and how long they take to "initialize".

help, please?

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: slow start
September 19, 2018, 02:30:47 PM
Hi, thanks for the support. I first tested with the "skip map check" option, and OruxMaps did start almost instantly.

Then I turned off the skip map check option again, and moved batches of Spain/*/ subfolders out until startup became very quick, then started moving those subfolders back in one-by-one. Here's the strange thing:

With ALL of the mapfiles subfolders moved back into place, OruxMaps now starts in about 7 seconds, where immediately before I began this series of tests it was taking 20 seconds+

So, same data as before, but now much faster to start?

warm regards,
ERRORES/BUGS / slow start
September 06, 2018, 07:48:24 PM
Device: OnePlus 5T, 6GB RAM, 64GB built-in storage.

Android v8.1.0

OruxMaps Donate v7.3.4

Lately, I don't know if it is since an app update, or I added new map files? .. OruxMaps is slow to start - around 40 seconds. Previously, even with lots of maps, it would load instantly.

My mapfiles are all in {local storage}/oruxmaps/mapfiles/. Within that directory there's the default world map, and then a subdirectory Spain/ which holds most of the map data. There are about a dozen map subdirectories under mapfiles/Spain/.

My trackfiles are all in {local storage}/oruxmaps/tracklogs/, flat (all in that one folder). There are about a dozen tracklogs there. Most or all are GPX exports from MapMyRide (as I've been doing for years).

How should I diagnose this slow start issue?
