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Messages - Pöhlmann

Yes, it would be nice (but is not essential) to store the route e.g. calculated by BRouter app with a memorable filename. E.g. "Route <chosen name> <datetime>.gpx" instead of "ROUTE <datetime>.gpx".
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / BRouter Integration
September 27, 2017, 09:13:54 PM
The Brouter App integration might be optimized:

  • Direct chosen profile names (brouter has an interface for profile text). I am using several customized profiles for cycling, e.g. Trekking-Fast-dry, Trekking-Fast-wet, Trekking-Smallroads-dry, Trekking-Smallroads-wet, Trekking-Std-dry, Trekking-Std-wet.
    • Reversal of routing points selection. I don't want to enter the same points for the return trip again. Necessary e.g. to  avoid driving on one-way streets in the wrong direction.
    • storage(, editing) and retrieval of a point selection. See also "Permalink"-feature in brouter web. Less urgent.
  • #3
    Elevation differences calculated from a smartphone's GPS data typically are way to high. Elevation differences calculated with the help of DEM data are more precise (depends from DEM data precision). Elevation differences calculated from the pressure values of a good barometer chip might be precisest.

    Smartphone model, configuration (DEM, barometer)?

    (DEM = Digital Elevation Model).