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Messages - sergiom75

Thank you very much for a your quick reply, I understand your post. Sorry but you only replied  to first part of my post. I found a problem that I think that it is a bug. If you go to root/storage/emulated and you click on emulated isn't possible to browse under this folder. I checked this behavior with a my friend with Android 6.0 and the problem is the same.

Example: if you go to Global Settings -- > Maps --> Maps folder you can see that the default path is /storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps/mapfiles/ If you click on it you can browse inside the folders to the folder 0, but if I move one level up it, in emulated folder, after is impossible browse inside it.

What do you think about this?

Thank you!!

Good morning,

yesterday, I changed my smartphone, on this new is installed Android 7.1. With my last phone I used an sdcard where inside a folder named Oruxmaps I saved everything about the app (maps, tracks...). With disappointment, I see that in Android 7.1 isn't possible to use this folder but I must save everything inside another path android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files, aren't you?

The problem is that during the change of the path inside the Global Settings, for example during the change of Maps folder, is impossible browse under root/storage/emulated. The strange thing is that just I open the Global Settings I see the path /storage/emulated/0/oruxmaps/mapfiles/ under Maps --> Maps folder, and if I click on it I can browse inside the 0 folder, but if I move one level up it, in emulated folder, after is impossible browse inside it. To click on Root produces a "Can no access" message, while on self and emulated folders it doesn't nothing. The only thing that is accessible is 75E9-B3A8 folder, the sdcard.

Please, if possible help me. I use the smartphone with Oruxmaps mainly and this is a big problem for me.

Waiting your considerations, I wish you a nice day.
