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Messages - derandiunddasbo

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Intents not working anymore?
May 31, 2018, 12:01:33 PM
Me too.  :)

But I'm still not sure, if this is a task config related issue or some wrong global tasker or android configuration that prevents intents from being fired (from tasker), respectively received (by OruxMaps).

If allessoci's answer is really referring to tasker, It woukd be helpful, if he could post an example for a working tasker configuration. I also tried several alternatives without luck.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Intents not working anymore?
April 03, 2018, 12:19:52 PM

thanks for the reply, but either I'm not able to transform your reply to a proper tasker intent config or I'm still missing some basic setting in android or OM.

The thing is: I can't even see an activity named "com.orux.oruxmaps.actividades.TaskIntentReceiver" in the list of available activities. I have some apps on my phone that list available activities for an app (including a builtin function in tasker itself), but these lists don't include an activity named TaskIntentReceiver.

Only seven activities are listed: PreviewActivity, ActivityBluetoothSearch, ActivityCaches, ActivityMap2, ActivityTracks, ActivityWaypoints and ActivityWaypoints2.

I vaguely remember there's some setting in android or OM that has to be activated, before OM accepts receiving intents at all, but I'm not sure, as I can't find anythin related in the config.  :?:
ERRORES/BUGS / Intents not working anymore?
April 21, 2017, 08:14:42 PM

I'm using tasker profiles to start and stop track recording, but they don't seem to work anymore.

I can't remember when exactly the intents stopped working, maybe after an Android update or since I'm using a new phone.

Is there anything wrong with my tasker configuration for the intent?


   A3: Send Intent [ Action:com.oruxmaps.INTENT_START_RECORD_NEWTRACK Cat:None Mime Type: Data: Extra: Extra: Extra: Package: Class: Target:Broadcast Receiver ]


Do you have an idea how I can make the intents working again?

I'm using a OnePlus 3T with Oxygen OS 4.1.3 / Android 7.1.1 and the phone is rooted.