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Messages - mgroeger4orux

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: wrong statistic calculation
July 07, 2017, 01:04:01 PM
The smartphone has a build in barometer, which seems to work quite good. So the original values are reasonable. If I later plan to use this track for a tour, then it's a big difference whether there are less than 1000hm or almost 1400hm.

The save dialog for a track contains the option for correction of mesured hight values. That's good. So I would expect, that I can decide whether the values will be recalculated (and even which algorithm will be applied) or whether they are kept untouched. Is it possible to get this option?
ERRORES/BUGS / wrong statistic calculation
July 03, 2017, 08:30:54 PM
When saving a track the values of elevation gain/loss are significant decreased.

But if you simply add the elevation differences between the single points from the gpx, then you get the original value.

In an extreme example the elevation gain calculated from the track point of the gpx is 1371,35m while the header of the gpx contains the value 971m, which is somehow calculated by oruxmaps.

I remember that I've seen during the tour the 1200m value for the elevation gain was displayed and there was some elevation gain after this point.

Any idea, what's going wrong?
I'm using oruxmaps for track recording during mountain bike tours. At the end of a tour statistics shows e.g. approximately 1000hm, but after the save of the track the statistics shows only 900hm. This loss in the statistics is reproducible, although the persentage of loss ranges between 5% and even 20%. The device (LG G5) has a build in barometer and I configured oruxmaps to use this altitude calculation. I tried to deactivate all features, which might related to an auto correction of the elevation values, but still the elevain gain ist reduced drastically on the save action.

So is this a bug? Or is it an advaced feature which I simply not yet understand?