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Messages - BushAl

Hi all,

I have been using Orux for a while now for firefighting in Australia, while it is an excellent mapping tool i cannot find a way to share overlays between machines without losing information.

I can draw an overlay of fire extent (a red line and a semi-transparent red fill) and save it to my track database. It will then display correctly if i remove it and display it again.

However i cannot find a way to save it as a file, and have it re-display in the original colours and fill. I have tried saving it as a KML and all the other types but only KML shows up when loading an overlay.   
This would be useful so we can distinguish between active fire and previously burnt area.

It would also be very useful to be able to display GeoJson information (such as that published by the NSW RFS at (you will have to scroll to the south of NSW to see anytyhing, but large fire extents are shown as grey polygons

Any ideas gratefully received

Thanks in advance

July 15, 2017, 12:55:40 AM
Thank you very much, that works perfectly

Best Regards

July 14, 2017, 12:13:03 PM
Hi and thanks for your offer of help.

you can download the standard 1/25,000 maps from">

On the right side click on pdf for "select a format"

Then click almost anywhere on the east coast and that will select a map

then press Download pdf

If easier i can email you an example.

Thanks again

July 09, 2017, 02:28:10 AM
Hi and firstly thank you for such an excellent Mapping App. I have just started using it to help with our rural fire service and find it very useful.

In Australia the government makes available GeoPDF maps in 25,000 scale and i tried to load one in the new current version (7.0.14). Unfortunately it says "problem with some maps" "Can not find GEO Info!"

Reading the forum it seems the Australian format is not the correct format?

Is there any way i can modify the PDF's to comply or might this standard be accepted in the future?

Currently I  convert them to Orux format with Mapc2mapc but there are many maps and they double in size when converted.

Thanks for any help
