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Messages - motorang


as far as I am aware this is Android standard behaviour since Android 4.4.

One would need to root the device to get over that, granting the app superuser rights.

As long as I stick to '/storage/[SDCARD]/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files' all works for me, while I am only using that external SD card for map files and route/track files.

The path is different for the donate version, this has a different name (com.orux.oruxmaps.Donate).


what I have learned:

1) In an ideal world you would create the full path, that includes the correctly named subfolder liek mapfiles, with any data explorer under that path.

So this may NOT work:


but this will:


2) Oruxmaps and OruxmapsDonate install into different folders. So if you did upgrade you have to move your maps as well to the new folder com.orux.oruxmapsDonate/files

3) Oruxmaps does not update any data folder view (maps, tracks, ...) when opening a dialog, there is always an Update button to push (two bent arrows) to refresh the display/list

4) LOADING a track from gpx/kml is only temporary, the track will NOT show up in the track list until it is IMPORTED to the database (permanently). The tracks list is a database view, NOT a folder view.


in the current 7.0.17 I still had to set every single path new (for mapfiles, dem files, tracks etc) instead of switching all paths at once.

The result is the same (if I did not miss one of the paths that is).

A global setting would be really helpful there.

It saves hassle, time, and errors, and

I could be sure to have changed ALL relevant paths.



ist ja schon etwas her die Anfrage, trotzdem der Versuch einer Antwort:

Hier kann man sich die Deutschlandkarten bundeslandfein herunterladen:">

Liebe Grüße

July 19, 2017, 09:31:28 AM
Hello all,

three years later, running version 7.0.17 on Android 5 and 6, I am very happy with the POI search implemented via [Waypoint Symbol] > Search in map (offline).

I use a map and poi file from">

At first I was not able to use POI search at all, because on my Android system the option boxes were plain white, so I did not realize I had to tick them in order to activate the search. I then found this video which helped me a lot:">

However I have one issue left:

Search returns several points I can display as red markers on my map.

How can I clear the search result again from my map?

So far they just sit there, even after a restart of Oruxmaps or a change of maps.

A new search for different stuff just adds more markers without clearing the old ones.

The only way I found to clear the display is by choosing [Map Symbol] > Overlay options > Remove KML Overlay

Am I missing something here?

