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Messages - GPSuser

This becomes even more of an issue with gpx files with lists of waypoints that were compiled by others.

These often are not meant to be changed at all. For example, such lists exist for long-distance hikes where they indicate water sources, camp sites, emergency phones, and other really critical features. For such lists, I would really like to be able to set them read-only once for all, possibly except for some special fields (e.g. a comments).

Maybe there could be editable and read-only waypoints, and they could be displayed differently so that it also becomes visually clear what they are?

I got caught so many times by this "feature", and I am certain that I am not the only one...

Personally, I would be perfectly happy with a global option to disable any "interactive" waypoint movement. If I really want to do that, I could always enable it temporarity...  

Apart from that: thanks for this otherwise really great software!
GENERAL / Route / track problems (bug?)
January 02, 2019, 09:07:32 PM
I am a long time OruxMaps user and generally very happy with the software but one issue I still have is with tracks and routes.

My understanding is that the difference between a track and a route is that the route is read-only and therefore not editable. Yet, I regularly accidentally manage to unrecoverable mess up my waypoint files.

To give an example:

If I load a gpx file and chosen "follow/see as route", or "load as map overlay", I still am able to move the waypoints around in the map, and the original waypoint list is irrecoverably altered. This really is a disaster if one relies on waypoints being locked in place. It also is a safety concern when one relies on finding a specific location (camp ground, water source, whatever).

What I think is badly needed is an option to permanently lock sets of waypoints and routes. The distinction between how the set of features is loaded is much too fragile IMO. As described above, unless I missed something, it also does not work as described as loading them as route or overlay does not protect them from editing.

BTW, I am curently using OruxMaps 7.0.2.
GENERAL / Re: Built-in Waypoint and Track types
August 06, 2017, 04:07:07 PM
Quote from: "Off-track"
2. The former option to show waypoints on screen was useful for those of us who think of waypoints as POIs rather than points necessarily attached to a track or route. But this option seems not to exist in v7.0.12. To see them on the map, I have to use in the Manage Wpts screen > Select (icon near top) then > Load into Active Route (icon near bottom left) > No Navigation. Is that the intended (quickest) method?

3. I guess using the above method, all those POIs will disappear from the map screen when I choose to navigate a saved route. I understand this is the current Oruxmaps model of "waypoints as points along a track or route", but it there any way to serve those who use a model of waypoints as POIs (points for display on the map even if we are not currently navigating to them)?

I experience exactly the same problem. I would like to have "POI" that just show up on the map, regardless of whether I record a track or not. The idea is to mark places (e.g. camp sites) that just should be visible and are not part of a route.

Any ideas?
MAPAS/MAPS / SWEREF 99 TM or User Grid
August 05, 2017, 11:45:23 PM

I used OruxMaps with Swedish Maps.

However, I did not manage to display either Swedish Grid Coordinates (SWEREF 99 TM) or approximate them with a "user grid".

It seems a good match can be obtained with the WGS-84 based "user grid" that some GPS devices offer:"> ... dish-maps/">

This page states:

Some new GPS receivers have SWEREF 99 TM installed, but otherwise you can often create the Transverse Mercator projection that is needed to present the positions in SWEREF 99 TM. The difference between SWEREF 99 and WGS 84 is (at present) negligible in this context.

Map datum must be set to WGS 84. The parameter values to be used with the User grid are shown in the table below.

Parameter    Value

Central meridian    15°E Greenwich

Scale reduction factor    0.9996

False northing    0 m

False easting    500 000 m

Is such a setting possible in OruxMaps? I did not find "user grid" settings. These would be very useful, also for other countries since it would allow at least an approximation of the local coordinate grid.