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Messages - Luki1

GENERAL / Can't upload to Oruxmaps.
September 13, 2017, 10:10:51 AM
As you can see in the attached screenshots, some of my tracks had been automatically updated to Oruxmaps server.

Now with the new version of Oruxmaps this not happen and there isn't a way to manually upload tracks to oruxmaps server.

How can I do?

The integration options are set correctly.

Pleas add an option under the share menu...
ERRORES/BUGS / Can't upload to oruxmaps server
August 08, 2017, 05:28:50 PM
Hi, under integration options I selected to automatically upload my tracks to oruxmaps.

OK, the problem is that when I stop recording a track I've the screen to customize track name and description but then nothing happens.

Track are stored only locally iny phone and In my track list I can't find the option to upload tracks to oruxmaps. I've only other service like Edmondo eccetera but not oruxmaps...
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Account problem
August 07, 2017, 10:19:46 PM
I've solved removing and installing Oruxmaps [emoji6]
ERRORES/BUGS / Account problem
August 06, 2017, 05:52:00 PM
Hi everybody, I've installed the last version of oruxmaps from the site.

Then I've created an account with the registration option inside oruxmaps.

The problem is that I can't edit my account: if I try to upload an account photo/avatar nothing appens and I don't receive the confirmation email.

If I select to resend the verification email I receiv error number 20.

More important is that I cant upload my tracks to orux server because I haven't the option.

Pleas help me.... :(