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Messages - heinihuber

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Oruxmaps 7.1 and Mapsforge themes
August 28, 2017, 01:04:39 PM
Hello orux,

In the meantime I did a complete re-install and now everything work like expected. So it seems that the first installer I used (7.0.17) did not created required folders and file system rights in the right way. So after the deletion of Oruxmaps and the related folders I installed 7.1.2 from scratch. This time I copied the DEM files after getting Mapsforg themes to work - perhaps this did the trick?

From my point of view the issue is solved!

Thank you for your support and the greatest map app ever!
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Oruxmaps 7.1 and Mapsforge themes
August 22, 2017, 12:19:33 AM
Hello orux,

I installed the latest version (7.1.2) and checked the settings again. I've created some screenshots which you can download here:">//, the archive's password is: orux

On the first picture you can see the related folder within the samsung file browser. Everything is located on the internal phone's memory. The second one shows the configured path within the Mapsforge preferences section. Picture 3 shows the same folder in your file browse dialogue - the contained folder is visible, the xml files are not. The last picture shows the Mapsforge menu entry that stays in red color.

Would be lucky to get further assistance from you!

Kind regards, Heini
ERRORES/BUGS / Oruxmaps 7.1 and Mapsforge themes
August 16, 2017, 12:12:21 AM
Hello Oruxmaps Team,

I encountered problems on using Mapsforge themes in Oruxmaps 7.1 (tried also 7.0.17). On my last mobile phone (Samsung S7) everything works like expected but on the new device (S8) I'am not able to use any of them - Elevate 4 and Tiramisu 3 were tried by me.

Tried different pathes...



...but none of them makes them available within Oruxmaps. I tried the installation automatism of OpenAndroMaps, I installed them manually like described within the installation guide(s) but the menu entry still remains in red color.

Maybe a bug or is it a layer 8 problem (in front of the screen) - could you please provide a hint how to get it working again?

Thank you, kind regards
