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Messages - elem089

Hi all,
had to re-install oruxMaps Donate on my device. I had good backups of preferences, track databases etc., so I'm almost happy. Only one thing is strange: trying to recreate my account is not possible:
Settings >> Manage account >> I am told that I'm not logged in (of course). I click "login" and accept the information.
The next dialog I try the "LOGIN" button, then click on "EMAIL".
Here I can choose from a selection of accounts but the list does not contain the email I used to create my orux account several years ago. I still have that mail address but it's not in the list to choose from.
One entry in that list is my orux username (elem089) but if I choose that I then am told "Error, not valid email account selected. Please select a email account from your accounts list"
So I click on the last entry "Add account".
That brings up a list of accounts to choose from, all reflected by some installed apps like messengers, Google, Outlook and some social apps. But no way to select or enter my mail address.

Next thing I tried was to try and register from scratch. Again I am asked to choose from the same list of accounts / emails, but "my" mail address is still not in the list. (instead, among others, there's a 10 digit number I've never seen before - where the *** does that come from???)

Next thing I tried was to edit my online profile right here from the forum and change my mail address to one that IS in that list (my gmail-address).
Next I tried to login using that gmail address but I receive an error toast message saying "22: Unlogged user (or wrong password)"
So maybe wrong password? Upon next attempt I clicked "forgot password". A second later a new password was sent out to me, i.e. to my gmail account.
So try again to login using my gmail address plus the password created and sent by orux, but still "22: Unlogged user (or wrong password)".
Last attempt was to again try and register a new account. Chose my gmail address, entered my password, plus additional data >> Continue: Result is another toast message "16: email already exists"

Can anyone please tell me how I can login to my account?

EDIT: sorry, a bit to fast to try the new password - I hadn't confirmed that password change. So I now can really login.
But the big question remains: why can't I login using any existing mail address?

thanks for your answer, appreciate it! Meanwhile, the more often I use it, the better I find the right spot to tap on...  ;)
Hi, over the past weekend my OnePlus 6 got an update to Android 11 (from V 10). The device is rooted but otherwise running OP's standard Software.

Before the OS update I never had trouble accessing Android's navigation bar as it was well visible below Orux's dashboard. But now there is only a semi-transparent area where the 3 nav bar icons are hardly visible (screenshots are attached)

I spent half of today's morning to find an option to at least alter the nav buttons' color (current and default color is a light grey) but can't find any. I tried different launchers hoping that would have an influence, but it doesn't.

I also played around with Orux's fullscreen options but they don't have any impact at all.

Another issue I'm having since the upgrade is with Android's status bar: I set up Orux to sport a semi-transparent status bar, and that still works fine after the upgrade. But if I choose the option to hide Orux's upper menu bar Android's status bar becomes fully transparent, and thus more or less invisible.

Is this something specific to my OnePlus 6 / running OOS 11, or do others see something like that as well after upgrading to Android 11?

Greetings, Lothar

UPDATE: just realized that - in regards to hiding Orux's upper menu bar - I remember that this used to re-appear upon tapping somewhere around the top end of the screen. And I really liked that feature. But since the upgrade it doesn't. Or am I just dreaming this? Can't really roll back to check, I'm afraid...