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Messages - joachim.massa

Good morning,

I know this post could seem redundant but I haven't found an complete answer for multitracking.

I have two question:

1) I added some friends in my list (Settings->Multitracking->User setting and I flagged every box). How can I locate them on the map?

2) I have used this procedure to use multitracking: a)Create Orux Account; b)Move to Settings->Multitracking->User setting and add the friends with nickname and email. Is it correct or something is missing?

Thanks a lot,

Thank, I'll check

I upload always my tracks on Orux server but for only a track the system give me this answer: Er 43: Rotta già caricata (Track already uploaded).

For the other tracks I have the symbol of uploaded but not for this and I don't have the button to cancel from server.

Even changing the name I cannot upload the track.


Somebody has solved?

There is a way to access by browser to Orux Server?
