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Messages - edorap90

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 13, 2018, 10:57:30 AM
Quote from: orux post_id=13240 time=1523557122 user_id=2

Using an android 5.0 device, I get a 403 (forbidden) response.

Check the server logs; maybe you find why this response.


Quote from: edorap90 post_id=13241 time=1523565003 user_id=7264
I thought that it could be a problem between Android and the server.

Anyway I also tried to load the tiles from the sdcard, and it didn't work. I substituted to the url of the map source in the xml file the string: file:///directory_path/{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png

Is it right?

I've also put some tiles on another server and it doesn't work too.

I guess it's not a server fault.

Is it possible to find somewhere the OruxMaps logs?
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 10:30:03 PM
I thought that it could be a problem between Android and the server.

Anyway I also tried to load the tiles from the sdcard, and it didn't work. I substituted to the url of the map source in the xml file the string: file:///directory_path/{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png

Is it right?
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 06:00:48 PM
Quote from: orux post_id=13238 time=1523547506 user_id=2

send me your onlinemapsources.xml file, the one you have in theinternal storage, oruxmaps/mapsfiles/ folder,


This is my onlinemapsources.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<onlinemapsource uid="3">
<name>OpenStreetMap Cyclemap</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">OpenStreetMap Cyclemap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="4">
<name>OpenStreetMap Mapnik</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">OpenStreetMap Mapnik</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="104">
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">OpenSeaMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="12">
<name>Statkart Toporaster 2 (NO)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href=""></a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="13">
<name>Statkart Topo2 (NO)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href=""></a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="17">
      <name>Hike and Bike (DE)</name>
      <website><![CDATA[<a href="">Hike and Bike</a>]]></website>
      <httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="23">
<name>OS Street View 1:10000 (UK)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">OS Street View</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="26">
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">OpenPisteMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="28">
<name>US VFR Sectional Charts by Chartbundle (US)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Chartbundle US Sectional</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="29">
<name>US VFR Terminal Area Charts by Chartbundle (US)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Chartbundle US Terminal Area</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="30">
<name>US VFR World Aeronautical Charts by Chartbundle (US)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Chartbundle US World Aeronautical</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="31">
<name>US IFR Enroute Low Charts by Chartbundle (US)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Chartbundle US Enroute Low</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="32">
<name>US IFR Enroute High Charts by Chartbundle (US)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Chartbundle US Enroute High</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="33">
<name>US IFR Area Charts by Chartbundle (US)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Chartbundle US Area</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="76">
<name>Freemap (SK)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href="">Freemap SK</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="80">
<name>Topo 4umaps</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href=""> Maps</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="84">
<name>Hungarian (HU)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href=""> Maps</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="85">
<name> (Central Europe)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<a href=""></a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

    <onlinemapsource uid="197">
        <name>USGS Topo (US)</name>
        <website><![CDATA[<a href="">USGS Maps</a>]]></website>
        <httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
        <httpparam name="Referer"></httpparam>

    <onlinemapsource uid="196">
        <name>USGS Imagery Only (US)</name>
        <website><![CDATA[<a href="">USGS Maps</a>]]></website>
        <httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
        <httpparam name="Referer"></httpparam>

    <onlinemapsource uid="195">
        <name>USGS Vector Base Map (US)</name>
        <website><![CDATA[<a href="">USGS Maps</a>]]></website>
        <httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
        <httpparam name="Referer"></httpparam>
    <onlinemapsource uid="206">
<website><![CDATA[Tiles Courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">MapQuest</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="207">
<name>MapQuest Open Aerial</name>
<website><![CDATA[Tiles Courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank">MapQuest</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
<onlinemapsource uid="972">
 <name>Israel Hiking Map (IL)</name>
 <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="407">
<name>OpenWeatherMap Clouds</name>
<website><![CDATA[Map data © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="408">
<name>OpenWeatherMap Precipitation</name>
<website><![CDATA[Map data © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="409">
<name>OpenWeatherMap Pressure</name>
<website><![CDATA[Map data © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="410">
<name>OpenWeatherMap Wind</name>
<website><![CDATA[Map data © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="411">
<name>OpenWeatherMap Snow</name>
<website><![CDATA[Map data © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="412">
<name>OpenWeatherMap Temp</name>
<website><![CDATA[Map data © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenWeatherMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="414">
<website><![CDATA[Kartendaten: © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenStreetMap</a>-Mitwirkende, SRTM | Kartendarstellung: © <a href="" target="_blank">OpenTopoMap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

   <onlinemapsource uid="902">
      <name>Mapsurfer HillShades</name>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

   <onlinemapsource uid="903">
      <name>Mapsurfer Contours</name>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="904">
      <name>Mapsurfer Map</name>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="911">
      <name>Mapsurfer Boundaries</name>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="906">  
    <name>Google Maps</name>  
    <httpparam name=""></httpparam>  

<onlinemapsource uid="907">
<name>Google Earth</name>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="908">  
    <name>Google Terrain</name>  
    <httpparam name=""></httpparam>  

<onlinemapsource uid="957">
<name>Bing Earth</name>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="110">
<name>Outdoor Active Map</name>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="111">
<name>Outdoor Active Slope</name>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="920">
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 05:22:28 PM
Quote from: orux post_id=13233 time=1523545187 user_id=2

I can see the map (online) on different devices (7.0 and 8.0).

Do you see the other online maps available by default in oruxmaps?


Hi orux,

yes I can see the other maps present in the .xml.

I tried both default and custom source files.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 02:30:53 PM
I made a try changing the name of the .png files using the formula  y = (2^z - y - 1), and I can see them in leaflet.

Then I edited the onlinemaprource file leaving the <yop> empty but I cannot load the tiles yet.

I've also put the tiles at zoom 10 in the sdcard with the right directory structure and I added a new source in the .xml to read them directly from the device, but the tiles do not show up.


Probably is not a problem of the .xml file.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 12:28:56 PM
Quote from: orux post_id=13229 time=1523528145 user_id=2

it works, or using '0' xop:

<onlinemapsource uid="920">
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

I guess you meant "using '0' yop".

Anyway, I tried already in this way on both devices and OruxMaps verisions and it does not work.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 12:09:40 PM
Quote from: orux post_id=13226 time=1523521847 user_id=2


it works;

refresh the map list if you manually change something in the xml file.">

<onlinemapsource uid="920">
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

Quote from: edorap90 post_id=13227 time=1523524506 user_id=7264
I used exactly your code and it doesn't work to me, I have no clue why.

I refreshed the map list and deleted the map cache every time I edited the onlinemapsource file.

I tried OruxMaps v.7.2.5 and OruxMaps v.7.2.13beta1 using both the default profile and a custom one. I can see the map in the map list but if I select it the tiles are not loaded.

I'm running Android 4.1.2

I made a fresh installation of OruxMaps v.7.2.12 on another device running Android 4.4.2, I've added the code you posted in /oruxmaps/mapfiles/onlinemapsources.xml, refreshed the maplist, selected the new Slope map, positioned the map where I'm sure there are tiles but they're still not loaded.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 11:15:06 AM
I used exactly your code and it doesn't work to me, I have no clue why.

I refreshed the map list and deleted the map cache every time I edited the onlinemapsource file.

I tried OruxMaps v.7.2.5 and OruxMaps v.7.2.13beta1 using both the default profile and a custom one. I can see the map in the map list but if I select it the tiles are not loaded.

I'm running Android 4.1.2
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 12, 2018, 12:05:54 AM
Sorry, there was an error in the url, the right one is$z%7D/%7B$x%7D/%7B$y%7D.png">//{$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png.

Now you can see the tile">//

But still it doesn't work in oruxmaps with both the functions that you suggested.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 11, 2018, 10:58:19 PM
Hi orux, thaks for the reply.

I tried with <yop>0</yop> but the tiles are still not loaded.

If I try <yop>((1​<<$z)-1-$y)</yop> the onlinepasources.xml file is not loaded at all.

The tiles are generated with Qtiles plugin in QGIS.

Here is the code in my onlinemapsources.xml file:

  <onlinemapsource uid="920">
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

The layer is visible between zoom=[10:16], lat=[41.63135N:43.02222N] and lon=[13.00781E:14.77524E].
MAPAS/MAPS / Custom TMS map: flipped Y axis
April 11, 2018, 11:09:59 AM
Hi all,

I have created some custom TMS maps that have a flipped Y axis.

I should apply the conversion formula (2^z - y - 1) in the <yop></yop> field inside the onlinemapsources.xml file.

I know I can use SQLite syntax but SQLite has no power function available.

Do you have any idea how to perform this easy math operation inside the onlinemapsources.xml file?


February 18, 2018, 12:23:44 AM
I'm happy that this topic brought to an interesting discussion and a slope map implemented in the new beta (thanks OruxMaps!).

The SRTM resolution is not enough for skitouring purposes, but it can be ok for other stuff. So to make the app more flexible to different usages I suggest the possibility to use different DEM sources, like GeoTIFF with arbitrary projections.

A good color scheme is necessary to provide good informations to the user, so choosing the right colors is crucial. A good start can be the color scheme used also by the swiss avalanche warning service (here is an example">//

I think that these two points are the most important ones, than it's possible to refine the details using all the great Maki's suggestions.
February 07, 2018, 12:16:08 PM

I know that this topic was already discussed (">// but it's been 5 years since it was opened and I guess something has changed.

Oruxmaps has already introduced the hillshading for Mapsforge maps based on DEMs but a slope map is still missing. Why don't introduce it using DEMs to obtain something similar to this">//

It could be available for almost all over the world and will be super useful for winter sports and a grate upgrade for oruxmaps. Many skitourers are waiting for it!