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Messages - plusdespam

ERRORES/BUGS / Digital zoom buttons options
May 15, 2019, 02:13:09 PM
Hello, great job, thanks Orux. Using version 7.4.22 (french interface) on Samsung S6 Android 7.0 I notice a bug with maps zoom options. (I use OFFLINE MAPS)

I want digital zooming pinching screen AND map level changing using screen buttons and/or volume buttons.

So with only Default Zoom= 500%,Zoom autoload, pinch to zoom and zoom with volume options activated, zoom in/out is not as expected.

Volume buttons, screen buttons and screen pinch change from one map level (ie 13 to 15) when max or min zoom are reached

Now If I validate screen buttons option, screen buttons and pinching are digital zoom only and volume buttons is the only way to change maps level.

I find no way of having pinch for digital only and screen buttons AND volume buttons to have map level change.

Thanks for all your work.  :D
May 13, 2019, 08:49:36 PM
Hello, oxuxmaps is the best  8-) tool I have ever used. Thank you for your work. I have 2 questions:

- With very high resolutions screens I find that autoswitch from one map to the next could be improved with a possiblity of a x800 or more Zoom factor instead of a max of x500% as in current version.

- With barometer set as default height messurement, do the total positive or negative cumulatives use these barometric altitudes or do they use the standard gps altitude values (also does the gpx export uses barometer mesures) ?