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Messages - q-fladen

Hi everyone,

usually every setting that is set in one profile is saved in that profile and will be recalled once the profile is reloaded. This does not

work for mapsforge theme settings for me. I use the Elevate/Elements themes from openandromaps. The theme itself, e.g. elevate/elements

is saved in the profile, however, the format (hiking/cycling/...) is not. Is this a bug? Or is this something oruxmaps can't solve?


Hey orux,

during my last holiday I noticed a few things, some of which were bugs and some were wishes:

- When displaying the viewing direction on the map, the yellow triangle is not fixed to the GPS position, but in the middle of the

  screen. When scrolling around the viewing direction will move as well, which is no necessary / irritating imo (picture 1).


- For Routes there is the awesome possibility to colorize it according to slope of the path. Why is that not possible for tracks?

- I'm not sure if thats just a problem of my .dem data or something else, but when I go to high zoom levels, the relief shading

  looks very discrete with a large level of contrast over the tiles. Is there any possibility to make it look smoother?


- It is not always clear which profile is active, since the displaying of the active profile is mixed up somehow


(the actually active profile was "WandernNeu", even though it looks like 3 of the 4 in total are highlighted just the same).

- I noticed that the times for sunrise and -set are not correct (set to 0°). Even when taking the height of the horizont into account. Could

there be a calculation mistake or am I missing something?

Best Greetings

GENERAL / Re: Weather layers in Oruxmaps
October 25, 2018, 01:24:56 PM
Wow, perfect explanation; Thank you so much Juanjo!
GENERAL / Re: Weather layers in Oruxmaps
October 23, 2018, 08:51:50 PM
Hi Juanjo,

thanks for providing the infos about the WMS serivces. I've been trying to get weather layers into orux a while back already, but didn't succeed.

I don't quite get how to add those weather maps exactly to orux maps. I know I have to edit the onlinemapsource.xml (or is it the wms_services.xml ?)

somehow, could you provide further help with that? Thanks in advance!


GENERAL / Re: Profiles / Overlays
March 14, 2018, 06:15:13 PM
Wow, thats what I call support, thanks orux!

Quote from: orux post_id=13058 time=1520955307 user_id=2
Loaded overlays are not part of settings.

Ok I see. Even though the state of (de)activation of some layers is not really a part of the settings either, maybe it makes sense to include these states in the settings file?

Or is this what you'd do anyway when you implement the restoring of the layer visibility?

This way the user could at least make the visibility a part of the settings.


GENERAL / Profiles / Overlays
March 12, 2018, 08:50:24 PM
Hey everyone,

I have a few questions regarding profiles (among others) (I'm using v7.2.5)

- How are profiles saved? I can't find a save button, is every change saved automatically to the active profile?

- Which settings exactly are included in the Profiles? It seems that e.g. KML overlays are not saved in a profile. Is there any reason for that?

- When using different map themes for different profiles, the tiles get mixed up when switching between the profiles. I.e.: After using profile

A with theme A_th and then switching to profile B with theme B_th, some tiles are still shown with theme A_th. This occurs only for tiles, that

have been rendered / looked at before while profile A was still active.  

Two other questions:

- When several KMZ overlays are loaded and I manually choose to disable a few of them, after a restart all KML overlays reappear as activated. Why is the setting not saved?

- I'm missing the possibility to quickly (de-)activate relief-shading (mostly for performance reasons), would you consider adding a quick-access button for that?


Hey orux,

I was noticing a really minor issue:

In release v7.2.5 there are translations missing for the last 3 items in the menu where you can choose the buttons, see:">

I think the translations are actually available since these buttons do have a name

in the settings. Somehow they are just not displayed when tapping these buttons, I guess.

- David
It's been a while since you posted your question, maybe it still helps.

Not exactly sure if I got what you meant, but when you choose "load kmz" in orux you can choose kmz files from any location on your phone. The only thing you need is a third party app that syncs specific folders from your dropbox to some folder in your phone. Try e.g. Dropsync!



Edit: sorry, didnt read your question well enough... forget what I wrote