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Messages - remerson


I was running Oruxmaps free version on Android 6 for over a year. It worked great.

Recently, a couple of weeks ago, my device upgraded to Android 7. I could still load Oruxmaps and use it to plot routes/waypoints just fine. So I thought it was all good.

Yesterday, I took it out as usual. Went to switch on "record track" as I usually do when starting my walk to get the breadcrumb trail and started walking. Half a mile into my walk, I noticed (a) there was no track being recorded at all, zero trail and (b) Oruxmaps GPS is way off and reporting me in locations hundreds of metres away from where I am, apparently randomly. Most of the time it is not updating GPS pos or moving at all. If I switch on/off GPS it makes no difference. After walking for 4 hours, Oruxmaps wasn't updating at all and still had me right back at the start point. No track recorded, not even a single point - and no statistics at all (0 km distance, start/end time 1970 etc.)

I have been trying it out again today at my house, thinking maybe I was in bad terrain for GPS or something but no, the tracking is totally bust. I have the same problem. If I check Oruxmap app perms it still has access to Location "high accuracy" mode.

So I am guessing this is something to do my Android 7 upgrade perhaps that has broken both tracking and GPS in Oruxmaps. Any idea how I can troubleshoot this and get it working again? I am really disappointed because I used to love Oruxmaps and for me, it provides loads of cool statistics and gave me great tracking ability for around 200km of walking last year. It worked great on my device before but now I am back to paper OS maps for now - there is no other good app like it. I tried going to the Google Play Store to update it but it tells me my Oruxmaps app no longer exists (!?) - I'm guessing I have the free version that was removed and I need an update to support Android 7 properly. Will the pay version fix this perhaps? Or do I have more fundamental problems going on?

Any help much appreciated!!