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Messages - TIUSKITA

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: Elevation error
April 05, 2021, 01:29:08 PM
I have the same problem with the last version from the play store.
The track is perfect, but the increase/decrease of height is wrong, very wrong.
the real increase/decrease is more or less 1250 m.
the shown increase/decrease by oruxmaps is about 6200 mts.

The fact is even worst because, when I upload the route to wikilock, and I check it later, every data is ok.(even the increase/decrease of height).
GENERAL / Re: traduccciones ??
November 02, 2013, 10:07:24 PM
A mi me ocurre lo mismo.

A la espera de lo que diga Orux, creo que puede ser el navegador, yo utilizo google chrome.
