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Messages - jacksan

ERRORES/BUGS / Can't move online cache to SD Card
July 25, 2018, 10:44:25 PM
I've read previous topics and tried various things but cannot move the Online Map Cache to the SD Card.

OM 7.3.1

Android 8.0.0

I tried:
  • Global Settings, Application, Migrate to SD card. (See NOTE below)

[list type=]
  • Map Settings, Map Directory]
    • Map Settings, Map Directory: Changed it to Storage/3134-3530/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps

    • Map Settings, Map Directory: Changed it to Storage/3134-3530/Android/data/com.orux.oruxmaps/files

    • Tried manually copying the OruxMapsCacheImages db and journal files the above folders, erasing the originals

    • I uninstalled, deleted the OM folders on the internal storage and the SD Card, then reinstalled OM.

    Nothing worked.

    OM is still using the default Internal Storage/oruxmaps/mapfiles folder.

    NOTE: When I used the "Migrate to SD card" option:

    I got "the app can not write to the selected SD, you must authorize..." message.

    I click AUTHORIZE and a folder listing comes up, showing the root of the SD Card. I click SELECT.

    It says Migration is OK.

    I restart OM.

    Map Settings, Map Directory is now pointing to the SD Card mapfiles_OM folder. This "appears" to be correct.

    BUT... OM is still using the Mapfiles folder in the Internal Storage.

  • #2
    ERRORES/BUGS / Digital zoom problem with MultiMaps
    June 08, 2018, 11:35:35 PM
    I created a MultiMap using one map that publishes data up to layer 16 and another map which publishes data up to layer 18.

    When I zoom to layer 17 the map goes blank

    I can enable Digital Zoom (in Zoom Settings) and view it that way.

    The problem is that both maps use Digital Zoom, even though one maps supports zoom up to 18.

    Is there a way to have one map use digital and the other use "real" zoom?
    EDIT: After i posted the below comment I discovered that both of the maps in my wms_services.xml file has the same <uid>3331</uid>  

    I haven't verified it yet but I bet this was the problem!!

    MY BAD  :oops:

    I found the problem...

    The top layer tiles I was seeing were not even the top layer of the composite map I was viewing.

    They were from a WMS source that is not the top layer of the composite map I was viewing at the time.  :shock:

         BASE: WMS "Ky_DEM_KYAPED_5FT_Hillshade"

         TOP: OpenStreetMap CycleMap (online)

    The top tiles I were seeing were from: WMS "Ky_KyTopoMapSeries".    :?

    This led me to look at the wms_services.xml file I was using (I show it below).

    It had 2 WMS sources listed: "Ky_DEM_KYAPED_5FT_Hillshade" and "Ky_KyTopoMapSeries"

    To resolve the issue:

    1) I removed "Ky_KyTopoMapSeries" from the wms_services.xml file and restarted OM.

    2) I deleted all my MULTIMAPS maps, then deleted the "Ky_KyTopoMapSeries" WMS map.

    3) I re-created the same composite map:

         BASE:"> ... /WMSServer?

         TOP: OpenStreetMap CycleMap (online)

    It works fine now.

    Here is the wms_services.xml file that led to the problem:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






    <credits><![CDATA[<a href="">Credits</a>]]></credits>

    <url>"> ... rver?</url"></url>        













    <credits><![CDATA[<a href="">Credits</a>]]></credits>

    <url>"> ... rver?</url"></url>        









    Yes, they work fine standalone:"> ... /WMSServer">

    and"> ... /WMSServer">

    The problem also occured when mixing a WMS source with an online map:"> ... /WMSServer">


    OpenStreetMap CycleMap (online)

    I also noticed that when I viewed WMS: Ky_DEM_KYAPED_5FT_Hillshade standalone, some of the tiles were still wrong.

    I had to Refresh Tiles (under Map Tweaks) to get rid of the bad tiles.

    I am on version 7.2.14

    I've created a Composite map of 2 WMS sources.

    When I first display the MultiMap it looks good.

    As I zoom around there is a problem displaying the tiles.

    Some of the tiles show the base layer, some show the top layer, and some tiles are the correct composite.

    As I zoom in and out the mix of tiles changes.

    I've tried different "Select layer transparency" settings when creating the Composite Map but it did not help.

    I've edited the WMS settings and added "&transparency=true" but that did not help either.

    This appears to be a bug.

    I created a Composite Map of 2 online, non WMS, sources and that map behaves correctly.