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Messages - euskobelga


Thanks for your reply, I've tried to use my gps receiver with my phone (xperia p) to check wether it makes any difference, but I can't connect it, it says that the phone "can't communicate with the gps receiver".

 I did install bluetooth gps provider on my tablet as you suggested and will try it in the next days to see if there is any improvement... Is there any thing I could change in the settings to try to solve the problem, is it possible to force oruxmaps to ignore those jumps to 0° N 0° E?


Buenas noches,

First of all, thanks for that great app you made, I use it since a year and I'm a complete fan  :-)

I just wanted to ask you your help about an issue I'm facing with it since a while; the tracks I'm recording seem to be jumping a few thousand kilometers southbound close to be the equator. It wasn't happening very often before but now I get it almost on every recording I do, even several times during a single trip. I send you a pic of a "jump" I experienced today; it was recorded during a flight from spain to northern France; I'm using Oruxmaps on a Samsung Tab2 with a bluetooth gps antena QSTARZ 818XT

Gracias por su ayuda.