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Messages - peterhu318

BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
November 07, 2019, 02:25:47 PM
hi orux,

    A new function needed.

    In orux, waypoint alway belong some route(or track). but when I plan a trekking, I need make some waypoint . these waypoint is NOT BELONG any route. I called them POI.

    After I made these POI, I want a way to controll these POI display or undisplay.

    At present, orux is not do them. when I clear all, It is difficult to display them again, because they don't belong any route.

    would you pls add a default way team, we can call it POITEAM. when my gps is off and make a waypoint, this waypoint can save to POITEAM(give a choice). POITEAM can consist of some items, for exmaple: POITEAM( china_poi, tw_poi and others).

the users can control which POITEAM items can be displayed or undisplayed.

how about your think?

BETAS / Re: New beta version, 7.5.9betaX
November 06, 2019, 10:37:59 AM
I tested this version,  the bug that waypoint maybe no displayed is still exist.

ERRORES/BUGS / orux 7.4.22, No waypoint name displayed
November 06, 2019, 07:15:54 AM
Hi orux,

When I use orux, I found following issues:

1. When I load many route and zoom in / out many times, the waypoints name sometimes don't display. but continue zoom in/out times, they can display again. bug?

2.When many routes loaded and enable a master route , waypoint alarm function is on, sometimes give me a wrong prompt. for example: some waypoint is far about more than 1km, but orux prompt me via sound, and told me 80 meters.

BUT, sometimes it is ok. I don't know what condition it is occur.

3.A question: when I make a waypoint as putting current route( on my front road ), I want to get a voice prompt when I near it, do I need stop "way point alarm" and then start it again?

Hi orux,

    I have a Huawei Honer 9 handphone, if I use orux 5.5.22, I have to place orux on front(can off screen), if on background, no worked(direct online). If I use orux 7.2.14, all is ok! no any problem, thx your hard work.

  BTW, I need a new function, would you pls add it?

   When I am treking outddor, I usualy download other people's track for direct my treking. from one point to another point, new version can display distance, that's very good. but I wish thast I can calcue the time from one point to another point,so I can plan the time from here to there, rmaps ext app can do that. I wish that orux have this function.

Peter Hu(from china)
