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Messages - Franck@

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: French IGN maps (WMS)
August 17, 2018, 11:42:26 AM

With the new version 7.3.4, access to IGN maps in WMTS works perfectly.

Thank you very much for the patch.

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: French IGN maps (WMS)
August 12, 2018, 11:29:40 AM

I'm using "Oruxmaps 7.3.2 Donate" and I'm trying to access IGN maps in online mode. Unfortunately, it does not work.

In WMS, I use the URL "">{my-key}/geoportail/r/wms?" with user/password. I get the error "Error, incompatible level .Check WMS coordinate system."

In WMTS, I use the URL "">{my-key}/geoportail/wmts?" with user/password or the URL "">{my-key}/wmts?" with user/password. In both cases, I can not zoom beyond 40 km.

Can you help me ?

Thanks in advance.
