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Messages - enricosprea

ERRORES/BUGS / Re: The recording stops over an hour
October 04, 2018, 03:14:53 PM
However the problem reoccurs. Huawei P9 Lite is configured perfectly. Sometimes the connection with the GPS jumps.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: The recording stops over an hour
October 01, 2018, 09:04:50 PM
Thanks for your suggestions.

I had already everything configured, I was missing the fused gps.

Let's hope.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: The recording stops over an hour
September 30, 2018, 11:29:54 AM
I spoke too early, the problem is not solved.

Yesterday he recorded the path perfectly for almost three hours, today, after an hour and 10 minutes it seems that he lost the GPS to resume a few seconds after the arrival.
ERRORES/BUGS / Re: The recording stops over an hour
September 29, 2018, 09:02:59 PM
I hope to have solved: on "Battery" icon with the gear at the top right, disable "close applications to heavy consumption". Let's hope.
ERRORES/BUGS / The recording stops over an hour
September 28, 2018, 02:26:52 PM
Dear friends,

I use Orux Maps with great satisfaction.

I start recording from the widget with Huawei P9 Lite and most of the time it records correctly.

It happens a few times that, for no apparent reason or perhaps when the battery is low, the recording stops after just over an hour.

Upon arrival, when I stop recording with widget, the track is recorded after one hour and a few seconds.

Can anyone help me?
