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Messages - tico-tico

Hi, any news on this issue? It still mixes russian and english words (like "devyat' meters") even with en_US UI locale.


I mean that something like TTS.setLanguage(new Locale("en_US")); is expected before synthesis begins.
COMENTARIOS/COMMENTS / `Reset online cache` is super slow
September 14, 2018, 12:26:47 AM
Not sure if a bug, but an observation for real.

I just tried to delete tiles of several online providers from the cache (~200MB whole cache file size) and it was not a very good experience. The phone became sluggish and almost hangs, so I waited for five minutes then closed the app and deleted cache file manually.

It's all really weird, sqlite shouldn't be that hungry.

@Orux, have you tried to switch sqlite to WAL mode and set synchronous to normal (or even off)? I'm afraid that now this function is raping SD-card.

And i think that Osmand way of changing Wpts position (move the map instead of the point) is much more convenient.
ERRORES/BUGS / Mapsforge maps labels rendering error.
September 10, 2018, 01:10:28 PM
Please have a look. Sometimes on some zoom levels labels are truncated (on tile borders). It's pretty unpredictable and clearing the tile cache doesn't help.">">

The issue is similar to this"> but i don't know if it has the same origin.
QuoteThe app tries to start the TTS engine in the app selected language (global configuration--application--language). If you have selected en_US, and you have that engine installed, it should use that engine.

Hi! Since i'm using Google TTS engine ( from the Google Play) as the default and the only one TTS engine, plenty of languages are supported, English TTS works just fine in other apps. In oruxmaps it still speaks russian numbers (and english words in russian way) even when gui language is set to en_US.

Maybe I should have mentioned my Android version, it's ancient kit-kat.
Hi, here's my story.

I speak Russian and my Android UI language is set to Russian, but since Orux translation is awful I really prefer English interface. So I switched to English and faced this: TTS trying to speak English words (like 'meters') using Russian engine. It sounds funny and sometimes kinda creepy.

So I see two solutions: the first one is to set the TTS engine language equal to the app language (and I will have nice English TTS, thats OK), or make separate from the app UI setting for the TTS language (together for text and for engine).

My two cents about translations. I believe that you actually should make an open git repository on github/gitlab for translations and TTS string, that will attract plenty of translation volunteers for sure. And the bugtracker could be used as an official bugtracker for the app instead of the forum.

Thanks for reading and for the nice app Mr Orux.