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Messages - Lyon

Agree !

visugpx is one of the best website to modify/merge/store gpx traks. Uploading tracks from orux would be a must !

MAPAS/MAPS / rmap tiles
November 09, 2018, 09:47:20 PM

I'm using rmap files as maps. Woks well, but I have a problem...

when arriving at the edge of tile A, the adjacent tile B doesn't appear until tile A is less than half the screen = I cannot have at the same time both tiles.

How to fix it ?

Thanks in advance for your help
MEJORAS/NEW FEATURES / barometric altimeter accuracy
November 04, 2018, 01:15:38 PM

Congratulation for developping Orux! my GPS sleeps now in its box.....

A suggestion to increase altimeter accuracy:

when using barometric altimeter, we use "standard atmosphere" ( 15°C @ sea level, decreasing O,65°C/100m => 0°C is @ 2300 m heigh). Unfortunately, this structure doesn't happen so often. Air density used for computation is wrong, so heigh indication is either optimitic or pessimitic (error can easily go to 40-50 m for a 1000m tour). It would be easy to correct it, with an "expert mode" where user writes 0°C elevation, and orux could calculate/display real altitude.

Thank you very much in advance !