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Messages - afgb1977

BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
January 22, 2025, 07:09:58 PM
Puedes describir mejor el problema?
Cuando selecciona Unidades - Formato de Coordenadas - Geográficas, está configuración se aplica al cuadro de mandos pero no a la cuadricula de coordenadas.
OruxMaps muestra de forma predeterminada 2 cuadrículas= Cuadrícula Cartesiana y Cuadrícula UTM con la posibilidad de configurar o añadir más.
Cuando seleccionas "Mostrar Cuadrícula" sin haber seleccionado o configurado una nueva en Cuadrícula Personalizada veras en pantalla la Cuadricula Cartesiana. Esta tiene su origen en x=0,y=0 (lon/lat=0,0) y los números en los ejes x,y representan la distancia en metros al eje 0,0, la menor medida para esta Cuadrícula Cartesiana son recuadros de 100x100 MTS.
X= Posición horizontal o longitud
Y= Posición vertical o latitud
Esto puede causar confusión si uno está acostumbrado a las coordenadas geográficas donde generalmente se usa el esquema geo:lat,lon donde y va primero que x.
En resumidas cuentas si tienes la cuadricula Cartesiana activada y estás sobre el eje=
X=  -595.000
Y= 4.315.700
Significa que estás ubicado 595000 mts (595 kms) al oeste del eje X y 4315700 mts (4315.7 kms) al norte del eje Y.
Este punto equivale a las coordenadas (lat,lon) 36.109,-5.344  cerca al faro Europa Point Trinity en Gibraltar.
P.D. Se debe tener en cuenta primordialmente que es una cuadrícula métrica y no sexagesimal, cuadrícula que esperamos se añada en algún momento a OruxMaps.
BETAS / Re: New beta 11.x
January 22, 2025, 06:22:48 PM
Son restricciones de la URL para no sobrecargar los servidores de osm, puedes añadir otros mapas basados en osm o con estilo similar ( y descargar la zona que quieras.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Viamichelin
September 13, 2024, 09:08:17 PM
<onlinemapsource uid="5001">
<name>⚪ ViaMichelin (MICHELIN)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©ViaMichelin</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="5002">
<name>⚪ ViaMichelin Light (MICHELIN)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©ViaMichelin Light</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="5003">
<name>⚪ ViaMichelin LowZoom (MICHELIN)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©ViaMichelin LowZoom</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="5004">
<name>🌐 ViaMichelin Network (MICHELIN)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©ViaMichelin Network</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

You cannot view this attachment.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Mapbox format offline maps
May 23, 2024, 05:49:26 AM
You must include the lines of code that point to the 3d resource.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Mapbox format offline maps
May 20, 2024, 05:06:17 AM
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Customize Onlinemapsources.xml
November 12, 2023, 04:10:22 PM
The following URL is derived from the Mobac file.

<onlinemapsource uid="101">
<name>🔵 TopoGuide (GR)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#FFFFFF">©TopoGuide</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

The following comes directly from the website but I can't get it to work.
<onlinemapsource uid="102">
<name>🔵 TopoGuide (GR)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#FFFFFF">©TopoGuide</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Openaip
November 04, 2023, 04:53:55 AM
<onlinemapsource uid="1751">
<name>💢 OpenAIP (NAUTICA)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©OpenAIP</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="1752">
<name>💢 OpenAIP HotSpots (NAUTICA)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©OpenAIP HotSpots</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

Anexo SkyVector por si es de utilidad.

<onlinemapsource uid="1761">
<name>🧭 SkyVector World-VFR (NAUTICA)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©SkyVector W-VFR</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="1762">
<name>🧭 SkyVector World-Lo (NAUTICA)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©SkyVector W-Lo</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>

<onlinemapsource uid="1763">
<name>🧭 SkyVector World-Hi (NAUTICA)</name>
<website><![CDATA[<font color="#000000">©SkyVector W-Hi</font>]]></website>
<httpparam name="User-Agent">{om}</httpparam>
March 27, 2023, 12:52:41 AM
Yo creo que este tipo de situaciones deberían ser resueltas directamente con Amazon. Si no obtiene el producto que pagó tiene todo el derecho a reclamar y recibir su dinero de vuelta.
El servicio de atención al cliente debe estar lo suficientemente capacitado para resolver sus quejas y entregar la aplicación o su dinero.
Hi Matt.
Although they are difficult to find, there are indeed bathymetry DEM files that model marine topography DEM .hgt files generally have land cover, and for areas covered by oceans or seas they show values ​​equal to 0.
GEBCO offers bathymetry in georiff format that can be converted to .hgt. They don't have a high resolution but they are useful.
I don't know if I'm right but I think NASA also offers bathymetry files in various formats. Additionally, Google has a height correction service that has marine coverage.  you can draw a track or route in OruxMaps and use the Google URL to return the bathymetry along the track or route created over marine areas.

Do you have a POI file downloaded on your Smartphone?
GENERAL / Re: Jalons ou pas ?
September 09, 2022, 06:18:09 PM
OruxMaps always shows how you have activated the tracks, traces, routes Top left, icon underlined. You have the trail activated as a layer. Go to the layer manager and delete it.

MAPAS/MAPS / Re: Mapa compuesto
August 13, 2022, 04:39:23 PM
Desactiva en las opciones del menú del RenderTheme que estés usando en OAM las curvas de nivel.
En Elevate se puede desactivar en el perfil de ciudad, en el resto de perfiles están activados por defecto.
Asi que=
Usa otro RenderTheme donde tenga la opción de activar y desactivar las curvas de nivel o
Agrega a los perfiles de Elevate las líneas de codigo correctas para activar y desactivar las curvas de nivel.
Son diferentes porque usan medidas de SRTM diferentes.
MAPAS/MAPS / Re: onlinemapsources.xml does not work?
December 21, 2021, 09:09:27 PM
Quote from: pedja on December 21, 2021, 10:37:39 AM
I have it all on internal storage.

If I understand properly, onlinemapsources.xml functionality is removed?

I noticed that it seems Oruxmaps is switched to forcing payment. More and more options are removed from free version.

The statement regarding "OruxMaps has changed to force payment" is quite unfair.
After reinstalling version 7.4.24 and testing (a long time ago time I did not use it). I found =
1. V_7.4.24 works perfectly with my onlinemapsources.xml files, both the mapfiles file and the customonlimemaps file.
2. V_7.4.24 it works fine with my wms_services.xml file.
3. V_7.4.24 works fine with my MapsForge and Garmin .img.

From the above I deduce that your statements are unfounded and I believe that =

1. Despite having the onlinemapsource.xml file in mapfiles or customonlimemaps you have wrongly configured the route to the online maps.
2. You modified some parameter of the onlinemapsources.xml file that prevents it from displaying correctly. You  could have deleted some of the characters or added some character that makes it impossible for OruxMaps read the file.
3. You have incorrectly named the onlinemapsources.xml file, the file name or file extension.

I would recommend a thorough review of both the files and the routes to the online maps.


Quote from: pedja on December 04, 2021, 10:47:24 AM
OruxMaps allows creating composite maps by mixing offline and offline or online and online map layer.

It would be grate to have option to mix offline and online map as composite.

I don't know if you have already tried or checked it. But the option of making a composite map with an offline and online layer has been around for a long time.
The simplest thing is to put the button directly on the keypad. There you have different coordinate systems to enter.
