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Messages - abq

GENERAL / Re: Best solution for altitude correction
July 18, 2023, 05:40:19 PM
Hi José,
that would be great!
Yes, it´s true, the altitude gain always dropped with the "old" altitude correction after stopping recording. But with the current correction, the recorded value of the gain is to high, sometimes by 10 to 15%.
Hi Tobias,
I had always used the 7.4 version for several reasons and switched only last week to the current GP version. I have experienced the same behavior with the cursor being static at a specific point. I checked the power management settings, but they were OK. After increasing the frequency of GPS recordings (2sec., interval 5m) it all of a sudden worked.
GENERAL / Re: Best solution for altitude correction
July 07, 2023, 09:32:15 PM
I have made the same observation. It would be nice, if this could be implemented as an automatic correction, instead of manually correcting every track after recording. Using the built-in corrections still give way to much altitude difference.
I had used in parallel the old free version 7.4.x. In that version, the automatic altitude correctionj works well. So something must be different in the current GP version.