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Messages - tobser

Hello everyone

I used to have a variety of Garmins and have now, since I was annoyed by the slowness of these devices only, incorporated into Locus and Oruxmaps.

Since I have different Img's and the presentation of these cards is good, at least in Oruxmaps, I want to reuse them.

I still remember that you can customize the cards to his needs with various type-change tools. So roads and so on were better represented.

I would like to have slightly wider streets in Oruxmaps, and main streets, side streets etc. should have different colors. How the Garmin works, I know. The cards are single-img's (called gmappsup's by me). How can I embed the types there? Is it possible to use different types in Oruxmaps as well as the Garmin as needed?

It would be nice if someone could help me.

Greetings from tobser