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Messages - mxge

BETAS / Re: New beta version 8.5.x
January 11, 2022, 07:21:30 PM
Hello Orux,
I used button Photo Waypoint and created jpg in Pictures directory. It's OK. But when I connect my phone to PC by USB-port  PC explorer demonstrate empty directory(oruxmaps/pictures).
If I copy my jpg-file to another directory, download for example and connect to PC jpg-file become visible in this directory.
By the way, I believe it's more suitable if after snapshot I can stay  in camera program and make other photo
ERRORES/BUGS / Problem with POI
July 13, 2019, 07:31:00 PM

I don't understand is it bag or normal way of proccessing. I can mark special kind of POI,shops, for example. And can see objects on map.

When I want to change the kind of objects, I return  to search in map.  But all check-boxes are empty. :lol:  How can I erase old value of objects and set new?

Thank you